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Starting (Not) from Scratch: 3 Entrepreneurship Tricks to Try Today 

12-07-2017 07:28 AM

There is no better time to invest in a new business and start your own company than today. The market presents plenty of opportunities for you to grab. At the same time, you don’t need to invest a lot of money to start a new business, especially with the online resources available to you today.

Aside from starting a new business from scratch, there are other approaches that allow you to jumpstart your business. If you want to be on the fast track to success, these are the top 3 tricks you can try today.

Buy an Existing Business

Instead of setting up a new company, buying an existing one is a great alternative to consider. It is easy to find businesses for sale these days. More importantly, not all of them are for sale because they are in trouble.

A lot of business owners want to move on to the next venture they’ve been thinking about for years. For them, selling the existing business is the perfect way to get the financing they need to start a new one.

It is also worth noting that buying an existing business is less risky than starting one from scratch. You already have a clear view of the business’s operations, its cash flow, and its operational profits, so you can prepare for the worst and manage risks carefully.

To make it even better, you also get the experience and track records of the business with the purchase. When you buy an attorney firm from sources such as LawBiz, for instance, you get the firm’s track records as part of the assets.

Buy into a Business

Another approach to consider is buying into a business. Instead of buying the entire business, you buy a portion of the entity and develop your product ideas alongside the business’s existing products and services. This is a practice that is growing in popularity for obvious reasons.

The business’s existing operations act as a safety net for your new product ideas. You also benefit from years of manufacturing experience and other resources available through the business itself, allowing you to turn a simple product idea into tangible products that customers can actually buy in a relatively short period.

Buying into a business also means you get a partner to help you deal with other aspects of the operations. It is a way to safeguard your investment and fast track growth in today’s economy.

Sell the Idea

One last approach to consider is selling the idea and earning a commission instead of developing it yourself. Similar to the previous two approaches, this is a strategy that has grown in popularity, particularly among inventors and patent holders.

Instead of doing everything yourself, you set up a new business as an intellectual property right owner. The business then licenses your product ideas to third-party companies, who will then handle the tasks of making and selling products based on your ideas. In return, you earn a commission on every product as well as a fee for the initial product idea.

All of these three approaches will result in faster growth in revenue as well as a faster growth for the business itself. They are the perfect strategies to try today, especially if you want to fast track your growth like never before.

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