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Look beyond the "usual suspects"

  • 1.  Look beyond the "usual suspects"

    Posted 11-17-2023 07:56 AM

    I recently attended a virtual meeting of the IRCC (Integrated Reporting Connectivity Council) and was reminded that South Africa has been out in front on many integrated reporting issues.  I was one of the many attendees that was not keeping up with what is happening there as many of us were completely unaware of the their recent publication A GLOBAL COMPREHENSIVE CORPORATE REPORTING SYSTEM: AN INFORMATION PAPER.


    I will also post this in the non-IMA resources site for this community.

    So, it leaves me wondering, are there other areas f the world that wee need to be paying closer attention to?  


    Paul Juras
    2023-2024 SBMC Chair
    2020-2021 Global Chair
    United States