What does this mean to the management accountant? It means that with the cost of data analytics and storage expenses of Big Data declining -- we are going to see better technology enhancements to auditing and analytics of data used for crowdfunding and the opportunity of the management accountant to move up the consulting to management pyramid. Crowdfunding will also give management accountants an opportunity to look at alternative funding sources for the finance team as well as offering new services to management and/or their clients such as wealth management, assurance of information used for crowdfunding solicitation, compliance, education and investor advice
What are some of the tech skills accountants of the future will need?...“We’re going to get into unstructured data in the accounting profession—we’re going to see ‘fast data’ that is immediately available and actionable that accountants can supply clients
Premise: Blockchain technology can be applied using distributed public record technology that can be directed to a wide range of urban applications to assist the public and distribute resources to meet public need using peer-to-peer collaboration. Management accountants can play a role in activating this new technology
Alaskan Chapter
I have been writing and blogging about the evolving role of management accountants in senior positions like CFOs that are facing opportunities – and pressure – that increasingly involve advanced data analytics to feed data-driven decision making
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Korea Chapter of IMA
Cloud accounting is helping both accountants and businesses grow more productive
Tech Alert: US SEC Chair Mary Jo White released a statement at an Open Meetings yesterday (April 13, 2016) on Regulation S-K Concept Release and use of Inline XBRL for better public company financial disclosure. Mary Jo White hinted at the open meeting of the US SEC that the agency is...
Today management accountants are also taking responsibility for managing information which includes non-financial data as well as financial data through their performance management, budgeting, corporate governance, risk management, and internal controls activities.
TechTalk Blog – US Chief Information Officer Says Big Cloud Providers Provide Best CyberSecurity CyberSecurity is a big issue facing both accountants and the business community today