What does this mean to the management accountant? It means that with the cost of data analytics and storage expenses of Big Data declining -- we are going to see better technology enhancements to auditing and analytics of data used for crowdfunding and the opportunity of the management accountant to move up the consulting to management pyramid. Crowdfunding will also give management accountants an opportunity to look at alternative funding sources for the finance team as well as offering new services to management and/or their clients such as wealth management, assurance of information used for crowdfunding solicitation, compliance, education and investor advice
The entity also should identify a senior D&I official to oversee and direct these efforts. Senior-level management should not only be involved in approving D&I hiring and procurement decisions but should be engaged in policy decisions affecting D&I
Interesting article … Largest democratic country in the world (India) is pushing the largest capital markets country in the world (USA) to have public companies disclose not only financial information but non-financial information to better serve both investors and the public. Including...
Nevertheless, this new regulation opens up a new line of capital by creating an almost "IPO-like" situation that can help smaller companies rapidly grow and hire new employees to meet market demands. Management accountants will play an important role in helping smaller companies to utilize Reg A+
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