Just came back from an accounting conference in London about the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals. Management accountants are going to hear more about this global effort and their involvement as this moves toward global adoption in the capital markets and by governments around the world. First a little history about Sustainability Development Goals and how the UN took this challenge… On 19 July 2014, the UN General Assembly 's Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) forwarded a proposal for the SDGs to the Assembly. The proposal contained 17 goals with 169 targets covering a broad range of sustainable development issues
The road map established 20 goals for corporations in the areas of governance for sustainability (which includes board oversight and management accountability), stakeholder engagement, disclosure and operations. In the operations category, for example, Ceres had established a goal that corporations should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020
Stay tuned as the debate continues over modernizing financial reporting to include these other important capitals that link companies and governments to the public interest through shared goals. #News #HotTopic #businessculture #businessethics #EQUALITY #ethics #Inclusion #LGBTQ #ACCA #Accountability #Accounting #accountingsoftware #AccountingTechnology #AccountingToday #advancedanalytics #AFLCIO #AGA #AmericanBankingAssociation #AmericanBarAssociation #analysis #analytics #Assurance #Audit #Auditors #Automation #BANKS #BCorp #benchmarking #Bloomberg #Blockrock #Blackstone #BradMonterio #BrocRomanek #businessinteligence #Csuite #Calpers #CapitalMarkets #CarolynMaloney #CDP #CFA #CFAInstitute #CFOMagazine #ChiefDataOfficer #ChiefInformationOfficer #ChildLabor #CIO #ClimateChange #ClimateFinance #ClimateInvesting #CLOROX #cloudcomputing #CMA #Compliance #COMPTROLLERS #CongresswomanMaxineWaters #ConsumerFederation #CONSUMERUNION #ContinuousReporting #Corpgov #corporatedirector #corporatedisclosure #Corporategovernance #corporatereporting #corproatedisclosure #CostAccounting #CSR #CTO #Cyber #DATAAct #DataAmplified #dataanalytics #datagovernance #datagovernancecloudIMA #datascience #datastandardtax #datasteward #datavisualization #dcolgren #Deloitte #DigitalMedia #DistributedLedger #Diversity #EBA #ECB #EDGARSystem #efficiency #EIOPA #ElizabethWarren #EnhancedReporting #EquityResearch #ESG #ESMA #EU #ExecutiveCompensation #ExecutivePay #FASB #FCW #FDIC #financialreporting #FinancialServicesCommittee #FinancialStabilityBoard #financialtechnology #Fintech #Fortune500 #FSCDems #GeneralLedger #GHG #GlassLewis #globalstandard #GLOBALWARMING #governance #GovernmentReporting #GREENHOUSEGASES #GRC #HouseFinanceServicesCommittee #HumanCapital #HumanTrafficking #IFAC #IFRS #IFSASB #IIRC #IMF #impactinvesting #InclusiveCapitalism #InclusiveReporting #integratedreporting #integratedthinking #InternalAccounting #InternalControl #InternetofThingstechtalk #InvestorDisclosure #IOSCO #ITaudit #iXBRL #Ledger #machinereadable #ManagementAccountants #MaterialDisclosure #MaterialRisks #NASDAQ #NaturalCapital #NewYorkTimes #nonfinancialdata #NonFinancialReporting #NYSE #OCED #OFR #OpenData #opengovernment #OpenGov #predictiveanalytics #prescriptive #PrivateEquity #PubicCompanies #ResponsibleInvesting #riskmanagement #robotics #Rutgers #SECInstitute #SIFMA #StakeholderEngagement #StrategicFinance #SUSTAINABILITYACCOUNTING #SustainabilityReporting #SustainabilityStockExchangeInitiative #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SwissRe #SystematicRisk #TechnologySolutions #ThomsonReuters #Tiaa #Transparency #UNGlobalCompact #UNGlobalImpact #UNITEDAUTOWORKERS #UnitedStatesSenateBankingCommittee #UNPRI #USChamberofCommerce #USGAO #USHouseFinancialServicesCommittee #USSecuritiesExchangeCommission #USSenateBankingCommittee #USTreasury #WorldBank #WiredMagazine #XBRL
The European Parliament has voted in favor of new rules that will strengthen shareholder rights and facilitate cross-border voting under the Shareholders Rights Directive as the new Trump Presidential administration moves in the complete opposite direction related to enhanced corporate...
The United Nations is also interested in the European Financial Transparency Gateway that would allow public companies to disclosure data related to the sustainability development goals (SDGs) as interest in climate change disclosures etc. accelerates among investors worldwide.
Great article written by the global law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP on the need for public companies to be aware of the growing trend of non-financial reporting disclosures (commonly known as "Sustainability Reports", "Corporate, Social Responsibility (CSR)", "Environmental, Social,...