Great article in CFO Magazine by Russ Banham on the quickly expanding role CFOs and their finance teams are now assuming beyond the management of financial information critical to the operation of the enterprise they pilot. The Finance team is quickly becoming the “de facto”...
Congratulations to SASB's CEO Dr. Jean Rogers and her comment letter to the US SEC’s Concept Release on Business and Financial Disclosure Required by Regulation S-K for US Public Companies. The US SEC Concept Release discusses the concept of sustainability reporting by public companies as...
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Great article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday about new US SEC Crowdfunding Rule that goes into effect MONDAY - next week. The article by Ruth Simon of the WSJ provides great background and specifics about the rule and how small companies and investors can utilize crowdfunding to obtain...
Interesting article in the UK’s Financial Director about yearend non-financial reporting required by UK companies as part of the EU mandate for 6,000 + public company requirement to report non-financial information to the capital markets and important stakeholders such as investors. The UK...
Interesting article from CNBC on water scarcity and its impact on current and future country GDP growth. Water scarcity continues to become a global issue – especially in California and its impact agricultural production. From the article: “Nearly a quarter of humanity already resides in...