” “Visualization: This project will address the understanding of the basic axioms of visualization in the audit process as well as its integration with audit analytic methods
1 Comment - These are great initiatives leveraging on the application of Big Data Analytics in the area of Audit; will also help in complementing good corporate Governance Practices too
I attended the Rutgers Business School's 35th World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium on November 6 th & 7 th 2015 on the Rutgers campus in Newark, NJ
The difference between cloud/hosted software and on premise/licensed is you do not have the software on site and therefore you bear a greater risk of disruption. Audit – many escrow companies offer audit and verification services which can include a simulated escrow release as a test scenario to ensure that the current version of the software is quickly available for recovery
#riskmanagement #Ledger #MaterialRisks #COMPTROLLERS #Audit #SEC #cfo #EDGARSystem #Roboaccounting #datagovernance #Obama #iXBRL #InclusiveCapitalism #StockExchanges #PublicCompanies #NonFinancialReporting #StakeholderEngagement #InvestorDisclosure #XBRL #Compliance #HMRC #SayonPay #IMA #integratedthinking #FASB #GovernmentReporting #ForensicAccounting #opengovernment #MaryJoWhite #Blockchain #SecuritiesExchangeCommission #businessinteligence #News #predictiveanalytics #ITaudit #MaterialDisclosure #DistributedLedger #InternetofThings #RegulatoryReporting #InvestorRelations #ElizabethWarren #OCED #USHouseBankingCommittee #SASB #NASDAQ #Issa #AccountingTechnology #cloudcomputing #OpenData #GAAP #NewYorkTimes #financialreporting #OpenGov #Bloomberg #GASB #CapitalMarkets #DATAAct #BANKS
#NonFinancialReporting #managementreporting #CapitalMarkets #digitaldarwinism #datadriven #EU #BigData #Corporategovernance #InvestorRelations #TechTalk #LEI #financialmodeling #data #PrivateEquity #smartmachines #governance #FinancialStatements #News #RegulatoryReporting #businessinteligence #financialtechnology #ESG #EDGARSystem #GeneralLedger #datavisualization #corporatereporting #compliancereporting #Bitcoin #ContinuousReporting #corproatedisclosure #ManagementAccountants #nonfinancial #analytics #Regtech #complaince #metrics #digital #datagovernancecloudIMA #dataquality #DataAmplified #cloudcomputing #structureddata #Accounting #Audit #DistributedLedger #nonfinancialdata #informationtechnology #accountingsoftware #Blockchain #financialreporting #ChiefInformationOfficer #dataanalytics #CIO #XBRL #financialinformation #AccountingTechnology #technology #CSRESG #ESMA #ITaudit #iXBRL #riskmanagement #integratedreporting #nonfinancialinformation #ChiefDataOfficer #InvestorDisclosure #datascience #machinereadable #BigFour #datasteward #EquityResearch #Transparency #OpenData #Ledger #EnhancedReporting #predictiveanalytics #robotics #disclosure #TechnologySolutions #StockExchanges #Fintech #dcolgren
Major search engines like GOOGLE are using structured data (XBRL is a version of structured data created by the accounting and auditing for business and financial data reported on the Internet) to better locate and process information: “Structured data use is increasing and is in approximately one-third of the commonly crawled web now and clicks increased by 43 percent using the structured data format
#ChiefInformationOfficer #analytics #DATAAct #cybersecurity #LivWatson #Fiduciary #financialinformation #financialtechnology #ChildLabor #TreasuryRiskManagement #MaterialRisks #GRI #Accounting #Cloudfunding #ACORD #ResponsibleInvesting #CongressmanIssa #WSJ #OFR #compliancereporting #EnhancedReporting #dataanalytics #GASB #impactinvesting #CarolynMaloney #ConsumerFederation #CostAccounting #Assurance #ClimateInvesting #GlassLewis #InvestorDisclosure #ABCNews #riskmanagement #HumanCapital #iXBRL #AGA #COP21 #FinancialServicesCommittee #PWC #MaterialDisclosure #Fraud #benchmarking #Automation #FDIC #Apple #ABA #SIFMA #AmericanBarAssociation #Blackrock #SenateBanking #complaince #InternalReporting #GREENHOUSEGASES #IFRS #FSB #FederalReserve #AFLCIO #Workiva #Blockchain #Corpgov #IOSCO #FASB #USGAO #GovernmentReporting #Blackstone #advancedanalytics #InternalAccounting #TRUMP #CMA #bookkeeping #ChiefDataOfficer #InclusiveCapitalism #ClimateFinance #integratedreporting #NaturalCapital #accountingsoftware #corporatedisclosure #Issa #InvestorRelations #CDO #cybersecurity #FSCDems #BigData #NASDAQ #ExecutiveCompensation #forensicaccountant #Corporategovernance #CDP #HMRC #ITaudit #opengovernment #SecuritiesExchangeCommission #GAO #datagovernance #GeneralLedger #HumanTrafficking #AccountingTechnology #ATT #NIRI #Fortune500 #HouseFinanceServicesCommittee #banking #RegulatoryReporting #CFAInstitute #CongresswomanMaxineWaters #ElizabethWarren #AccountingToday #ComplianceWeek #EDGARSystem #Calpers #predictiveanalytics #financialmodeling #ClimateChange #StrategicFinance #cloudcomputing #StockExchanges #USSEC #analysis #InclusiveReporting #Audit #SSE #CIMA #BradMonterio #News #IIRC #UNGlobalCompact #DistributedLedger #IMA #CongresswomenCarolynMaloney #XBRL #GLOBALWARMING #CapitalMarkets #NonFinancialReporting #ACCA #SUSTAINABILITYACCOUNTING #businessinteligence #LGBT #HotTopic #KPMG #Csuite #Diversity #StakeholderEngagement #CFOMagazine #BigFour #accountant #GAAP #Bloomberg
#cfo #Forensic #News #PWC #internalcontrols #SecuritiesExchangeCommission #financialinformation #LivWatson #dataquality #IIRC #BigFour #HotTopic #GeneralLedger #analytics #ChiefDataOfficer #NaturalCapital #DigitalMedia #BigData #WiredMagazine #datagovernance #OpenData #WallStreetJournal #CSRESG #BradMonterio #TreasuryRiskManagement #financialreporting #businessintelligence #integratedthining #Insurance #Productivity #CFOMagazine #Guardian #dcolgren #ERP #cybersecurity #Corpgov #CDP #integratedreporting #InclusiveReporting #Audit #Non Financial Reporting #opengovernment #SASB #ResponsibleInvesting #KPMG #XBRL #TechTalk #performance #SAP #TechnologySolutions #riskmanagement #structureddata #Automation #Corporategovernance #nonfinancialinformation #ACORD #ExecutiveCompensation #DistributedLedger #Deloitte #InclusiveCapitalism #SSE #SIFMA #materiality #Accounting #FinancialStabilityBoard #GovernmentReporting #emergingtechs #StockExchanges #risk #FinancialStatements #CMA #datascientist #Internalauditor #NewYorkTimes #Excel #Fraud #HumanTrafficking #GRC #datasteward #AccountingTechnology #Intuit #ChiefInformationOfficer #ORACLE #FEI #Csuite #SystematicRisk #processimprovement #PubicCompanies #iXBRL #ForensicAccounting #FASB #CTO #disclosure #EnhancedReporting #predictiveanalytics #Economist #LGBT #Ledger #compliancereporting #EY #NASD #InvestorRelations #CFA #ITaudit #dataanalytics #InvestorDisclosure #corproatedisclosure #HumanCapital #RegulatoryReporting #LEI #Exxon #EDGARSystem #metrics #financialmodeling #NASDAQ #ESG #supplychain #NonProfit #IOSCO #IIA #materialrisk #Compliance #ThomsonReuters #ENRON #Diversity #SustainabilityStockExchangeInitiative #CapitalMarkets #GREENHOUSEGASES #non financial #GLOBALWARMING #datavisualization #EU #IMA #IBM #COSO #non financial #Non Financial Reporting #Microsoft #NaturalExtraction #ExecutivePay #USSecuritiesExchangeCommission #StakeholderEngagement #datascience #CEO #EquityResearch #PRUDENTIAL #GRI #corporatereporting #informationtechnology #Fortune500 #InternalAccounting #financialtechnology #ACCA #SustainabilityReporting #NYSE #InternalReporting #Reuters #interactive #UNGlobalCompact #SwissRe #managementaccountant
Human capital disclosure is an important part of environmental, social and governance disclosures or what the accounting and auditing profession is calling “Integrated Reporting” which the IMA is an important member
The financial services committee has Congressional oversight of the US SEC, PCAOB and the accounting and auditing profession, How Can Diversity and Inclusion Support a Company’s Business Case?