We hear a lot about big data and advanced analytics in the media today. You cannot look at the business news and technology sections without seeing something related to these topics. And now we are seeing the types of jobs associated with analytics rising in popularity. According to a ...
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Great article from the European Securities Market Authority on what EU public companies must do using the new Inline XBRL Global Data Standard for Better Transparency & Accountability by putting financial and non-financial financial statement info in a machine-readable format. The USA...
The article documents that more CFOs are hiring financial managers with data science skills that can be utilized for the analytical skills and consulting they can provide reviewing nonfinancial information
Great information in this article about the global expansion of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) global data standard and its impact in providing both regulators and investors understanding about the relationship between entities and their exposure in the capital markets. With the financial crisis...
3 Comments - Great article David. From a data science point of view, combining LEI and XBRL standards would be fantastic
Interesting debate yesterday before the US Senate Banking Committee on the topic of expanding disclosures of US companies to include environmental, social and governance data besides just financial disclosures. The US House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing on the same topic last...
More than 2/3 of the world’s capital markets are using the IMA supported XBRL global structured data format for both financial and nonfinancial disclosures. More than 100 regulators in more than 70 countries have mandated the use of XBRL for financial and business reporting which includes...
Watch out United States EDGAR Online – the European Union is building a “next generation” -- “EDGAR-LIKE” corporate disclosure platform to be used by 28 EU member states for global investors that will be built upon BLOCKCHAIN and global financial and non-financial data access standards like...
Yesterday at a summit of central bank governors in Amsterdam -- the governor of the Bank of England warned that climate change could have a "catastrophic impact" on the global financial system. Speaking at the summit -- Mark Carney reiterated previous warnings that the global financial system...