Interesting alarming report from the US GAO issued in January 2016 to Members of Congress on the need in the capital markets and more specifically -- public companies – to disclose in their reports and to the US SEC material risks related climate change so investors and the public can make...
Yesterday the US Securities & Exchange Commission adopted resource extraction rules using the open, freely-available, XBRL data format supported by the IMA for more effective transparency and accountability . This rule is a major CSR/ESG/Sustainability Initiative for Public Company...
Great article from the global law firm of Baker McKenzie about mandatory requirements from securities regulators for public company sustainability disclosure that also needs to be included in financial reporting as a company “best practice.” CFOs, financial reporting teams and management...
According to a recent article in Accounting Today -- The XBRL data standard continues to expand globally around the world as a important tool to reduce regulatory reporting by public companies using a standard data format that can be shared across regulators in one common report. ...
Just came back from an accounting conference in London about the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals. Management accountants are going to hear more about this global effort and their involvement as this moves toward global adoption in the capital markets and by governments...
Congratulations to SASB's CEO Dr. Jean Rogers and her comment letter to the US SEC’s Concept Release on Business and Financial Disclosure Required by Regulation S-K for US Public Companies. The US SEC Concept Release discusses the concept of sustainability reporting by public companies as...
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The European Parliament has voted in favor of new rules that will strengthen shareholder rights and facilitate cross-border voting under the Shareholders Rights Directive as the new Trump Presidential administration moves in the complete opposite direction related to enhanced corporate...
Interesting article … Largest democratic country in the world (India) is pushing the largest capital markets country in the world (USA) to have public companies disclose not only financial information but non-financial information to better serve both investors and the public. Including...
Great article about UK’s new narrative reporting framework for listed companies, banks and insurance enterprises with more than 500 employees that went into effect for financial reporting periods on or after January 1, 2017 . Companies, banks and insurance enterprises will be required...
Interesting article from CNBC on water scarcity and its impact on current and future country GDP growth. Water scarcity continues to become a global issue – especially in California and its impact agricultural production. From the article: “Nearly a quarter of humanity already resides in...