Interesting alarming report from the US GAO issued in January 2016 to Members of Congress on the need in the capital markets and more specifically -- public companies – to disclose in their reports and to the US SEC material risks related climate change so investors and the public can make better financial decisions
President Obama declared in his final State of the Union Address to Congress that Climate Change/Global Warming is “the greatest threat to future generations” facing the United States
Great story in a recent issue of CFO Magazine how XBRL is being used by both the US Securities and Exchange Commission and by other agencies such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to make better rules or determine the cost and burden of various regulations on the private...
Countries that mismanage their water supplies as climate change effects take hold could see economic growth rates decline by as much as 6 percent by 2050, a new World Bank report claims.” Last August 2015, a Citigroup report said global inaction on climate change would wipe $44 trillion off global GDP by 2060
1 Comment - There is so much heat, but not often light in the climate change debate that we need some (sober-minded) accountants helping out to validate reporting even while scientists go back and forth on the causes and effects of changes in our climate
Yesterday the US Securities & Exchange Commission adopted resource extraction rules using the open, freely-available, XBRL data format supported by the IMA for more effective transparency and accountability . This rule is a major CSR/ESG/Sustainability Initiative for Public Company...
As Broc points out in his most recent posting… “SEC Chair White not only indicates that a rule proposal regarding board diversity disclosures is coming soon, it highlights that the US SEC Corp Fin Staff is actively reviewing climate change & sustainability disclosures – and it could conduct rulemaking in this area soon too
Today - Michael Bloomberg , Chair of the SASB and CEO of Bloomberg and former Mayor of New York City is working with various global leaders in his capacity with the UN to support public company disclosure of sustainability, diversity, natural capital and human capital metrics to support capital market initiatives to address climate change/global warming
These included ending poverty and hunger , improving health and education , making cities more sustainable, combating climate change , and protecting oceans and forests
GREAT NEWS TODAY... The US Securities and Exchange Commission has voted today to move forward in mandating the use of Inline XBRL for US public company financial statement disclosure. See below story blogged on December 28, 2016 in which we discussed the possibility of the US SEC taking...