Mohammed thanks for bringing up a valid point.
I have seen several CMA qualified candidates struggling to find their first Job.
Given that in the Indian context, many stuidents are taking up CMA and Qaulify at Age of 21-23 being a positive. It also creates an issue of mismatch with Industry expectations. The CMA certificate is providng a validation of the understanding of the fundamentals, but the industry exposure limited to Zero.
This is why i would Advise the student and newly qualified people to pick few internships/training with nearby corporate and CA offices. This will also help you add a valuable experience in your presentation to the Hiring Managers. If they are not able to pick up a training as mentioned above, the students should atleast doa project related to the career path they wish to select and thereby being able to talk about it and validate with the hiring manager their expertise or gained knowledge in application.
Joepaul Kalathil John CMA
Original Message:
Sent: 10-09-2024 05:30 AM
Subject: reasons why a CMA may remain unemployed despite their qualifications
Competition: making it harder to stand out.
Lack of Experience: Some positions may require a combination of certification and experience. Newly certified CMAs may struggle to find roles that match their skill level. The job market can be highly competitive. Many candidates may have similar qualifications,
Networking: A lack of connections in the industry can limit access to job openings.
Geographical Location: Job availability can vary significantly by location. Some areas may have fewer opportunities for CMAs.
Interview Skills: difficulty in the interview process,communication skills or confidence.