Excellent collaboration, excellent discussion points.
Ilya Ilienko, dual MBA, CPA, CMA
Board Member / Director
East Coast - United States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2025 03:48 PM
From: Amanda Bernard
Subject: Private Company Council Annual Liaison Meeting with the IMA Small Business Shared Interest Group
Thank you Jenifer and everyone at FASB PCC for spending the time today to hear our thoughts on emerging financial reporting issues faced by small businesses. We really appreciate the opportunity to advocate for the interests of our SIG members and we look forward to future opportunities to collaborate.
Amanda Bernard CMA,CPA,CFE
Douglassville PA
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2025 09:21 AM
From: Jenifer Wyss
Subject: Private Company Council Annual Liaison Meeting with the IMA Small Business Shared Interest Group
The Private Company Council (PCC) and the FASB are looking forward to virtually meeting with the IMA Small Business Shared Interest Group on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The PCC and FASB values its relationship with the IMA and appreciates the willingness of its members to provide us input on financial reporting issues that are being encountered by private companies.
Jenifer Wyss, FASB Supervising Project Manager and Coordinator of the Private Company Council