Hi Ellen,
Apologies, I misread your question. You can reach out to our member services team at ima@... and they can look into this for you.
Thank you!
Morgan Del Rio
Director, Integrated Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 03-15-2023 06:01 AM
From: Ellen Wiener
Subject: CPE rollover
I was not looking for a policy document but an actual answer to my question. The CPE dashboard states: "Please note: Carry-over credits are not included in percentage." If that is the case, how would we ever know if/when our carry-over credits were applied?
Ellen Wiener CMA, CSCA
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 03-14-2023 01:31 PM
From: Morgan Del Rio
Subject: CPE rollover
Hi Ellen,
Our CPE rules and requirements can be found here: https://mc-69e30ef4-758e-4371-ac6f-2657-cdn-endpoint.azureedge.net/-/media/IMA/Files/Home/IMA-Certifications/CMA-Certification/continuing-education-requirements-and-rules.ashx?rev=eabf6cd610784001a725a6cb417d2ccf&hash=5F0B2CAA0952F7F01A20AD7DB29C3D81
Thank you!
Morgan Del Rio
Director, Integrated Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 02-24-2023 05:12 PM
From: Ellen Wiener
Subject: CPE rollover
Does anyone know when rollover credits are applied to your account? Is it automatic? This is my first full year for the CPE requirement, but I have rollover credits from last year that I don't see in my account.
Ellen Wiener CMA, CSCA
United States