Thank you for your support of IMA.
If you have not taken a CMA exam part IMA will change your name in the IMA database once we receive the items listed below.
• Submit a written request which includes your member number, name as it now appears in the database, and your name as it should appear in the database. This request can be sent by email to ima@...
• Attach a copy of one of the following accepted, valid, and unexpired forms of identification with your new/corrected name:
o Passport
o Driver's license
o Military id
o Credit card or bank card with photo id and signature
o Government issued National country id with photo (signature if possible)
No other forms of identification will be accepted.
A candidate must present proof of their identity to be permitted to take the CMA Exams. The name on your ID(s) must match exactly with the name on your authorization letter. Any changes must be made at least a week (7 days) prior to your first scheduled appointment.
Please note…. No changes can be made to your name once you have completed both parts of the CMA examination.
Contact IMA any time at ima@...
Thank you.
Tom Hayden
Montvale NJ
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-23-2023 01:22 AM
From: Shifana Mol K.S
Subject: Change ima profile name
Hi ,I want to know if it is possible to change ima profile name after registering for the exam . I had already scheduled my exam and Authorization letter already received and I am concerned if I change my name whether it will create any problems with prometric centre while appearing for the exam.