Please contact our member services team at ima@....
Morgan Del Rio
Director, Integrated Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 06-05-2023 08:38 AM
From: Abhilasha Singhi
Subject: Authorization letter name change
Hello Ima community
I also need help ..my Authorization letter name is mismatch with Id proof please help how to apply for change. the name on my authorization letter is not matching with my identity proof.
Abhilasha Singhi
Original Message:
Sent: 04-21-2023 10:04 PM
From: Ronnie Alexander
Subject: Authorization letter name change
A candidate must present proof of their identity to be permitted to take the CMA Exams. The name on your ID(s) must match exactly with the name on your authorization letter. Any changes must be made at least a week (7 days) prior to your first scheduled appointment. I would call the IMA to get your name corrected.
Institute of Management Accountants
10 Paragon Drive, Suite 1
Montvale, New Jersey 07645-1760 USA
(800) 638-4427 or +1 (201) 573-9000
Ronnie Alexander CPA,CIA
Missouri City TX
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 04-21-2023 02:30 PM
From: Garima Parikh
Subject: Authorization letter name change
Hello Ima community
I need help ..my Authorization letter name is mismatch with Id proof please help how to apply for change.