

Five Things Accountants Should Know About Cloud Printing

By Vern Marker posted 11-19-2013 07:53 PM


Cloud printing is the latest cloud technology that makes it possible for printers to be accessed through cloud computing. As accountants it’s likely that you and your staff are printing a lot of documents. Here are five things you must know about printing from the cloud.

Printers are actually connected to the web. Home and work printers are available for use from any digital media that connects to the web including phones, tablets, and personal computers. As smartphones and tablets increase, so does the appeal of wanting to print from these devices.


Advantages of Cloud Printing

1. Printing capabilities from multiple devices

Mobile devices that are able to use cloud printing include phone, laptop, a traditional desktop, iPads, iPhones, BlackBerrys, and Androids

2. Use any printer

Any printer can be used for mobile printing. Thousands of printers are available and the number of cloud printing capable printers is continually on the rise

3. Personal computer access is not required

Printing occurs directly on the printer that is connected to the mobile device apparatus using the same Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or LAN network

4. Supports major file types

All major file types are supported by cloud printing including Excel, portable document formats (PDF), PowerPoint, HTML language, and pictures. Relevant file apps are not required on mobile devices to print correctly

How Cloud Printing is used by Businesses and Individuals
Businesses and individuals streamline their productivity by printing documents from any device when there is an internet connection. Files and documents can be printed on the go.


If working at different offices or school, publishing a link allows the sharing of a printer with anyone. Smartphones and tablets are continually developing and becoming constant necessities in everyday business life. The inability to print from these devices slows down the process of signing contracts, presenting vouchers, or reading long documents.

Cloud printing offers huge gains in flexibility whenever paper documents are needed immediately. Businesses which involve traveling will never be limited by printer locations. Routine responsibilities are simplified by cloud printing capabilities.


Businesses may opt to select a specific cloud print server within an office network which allows controlling who, what, when, and where printing occurs within the business. Cloud printing directs the print server which eliminates any compatibility issues.

Cloud Printing Providers
Cloud printing providers include those that work in their own niche of mobile devices such as Peecho, HubCast, and MagCloud.
Google Cloud Print (GCP) has taken significant steps in the consumer market for professional cloud print solutions followed by Xerox, Ricoh, and Hewlett-Packard. With Google’s GCP, the printer is connected to multiple devices via cloud connection. No printer driver or specific operating system is required on the computer. Printing tasks are sent by GCP to the selected printer.

Cloud Printing Printers

For the most efficient experience, Cloud Ready printers are preferred because they can be connected in seconds and ready for printing. Cloud Ready printers register themselves through wireless cloud print providers and are always accessible.


Drivers and software are kept up to date without personal intervention. Other printers can be registered to a cloud print provider by first connecting them to the internet with a laptop or personal computer. These printers rely on the information sent through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or wired LAN connections. Cloud printing allows users to easily send any document or picture, including web pages, to a printer from any location.

Cloud computing is a rapidly growing technology and cloud printing impacts the printing industry in their ability to efficiently design print materials and print them. All people working on specific projects have total access to bits of data 24/7 type of collaboration enables immediate project changes and improves their submissions to consumers. The speed of production is increased while the cost of generating printed documents is reduced. Printing on demand reduces waste which saves money and is good for the environment.

Quality can be enhanced through cloud printing. The usual format for sending images through email using JPEGs requires compression of the images which results in fuzziness. Cloud printing removes this obstacle and provides a professional product that adds value to the clients.

Printer considerations will include monochrome or color printing capabilities. Printer choices include laser, inkjet, solid-ink, or LED technology. Weight needs to be given as to how much printing needs to be done, how many other people will be using the printer, and how much the cost will be for the printer and ink and toner replacement.

Cloud printing is the new future for every business that deals with printed documents. It’s convenient, economical, and eco-friendly.