

What Compliance Posters Do I Need at My Business?

By Mark Metzler posted 02-10-2020 10:11 PM


An employer who has one or more employees has to post state and federal law posters in clear view for their employees. These laws are designed to protect employees who may feel unsafe or mistreated at work or discriminated against while applying for jobs. The following are the types of posters that should appear in every workplace.

Federal Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage law protects workers from earning less money than they deserve. This is the minimal amount that every employer is required to pay an employee for non-volunteer work. His or her salary varies based on education and work experience. The state minimum wage varies in each state based on its economy and GDP per capita. For instance, the state of California has more wealthier industries, so its minimum wage is higher than in many other states.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that protects the health and safety of American workers who are employed in hazardous industries. There are OSHA standards that all employers in every industry must comply with. The OSHA conducts safety inspections to ensure that their rules are followed. A business that is found in violation could face heavy fines that cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Every business owner who works in a hazardous industry, like construction, oil and gas or restaurant, should post a compliance poster that outlines basic OSHA standards. Remind workers of what they must do to keep their workplaces clean, safe and free of hazards. Remind them of the routine safety inspections and the fines and penalties that could follow.


All employees have the right to leave their jobs when a family or medical emergency occurs without risking termination or demotion. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) provides paid or unpaid leave protections for family or medical problems. As part of their work benefits, employees are given a certain number of sick and vacation days to spend at any time. Pregnant women and caretakers of sick adults or children may need months off from work, so they are protected from having to quit their jobs or risk getting fired.


Most job applicants have heard of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws. These federal regulations protect current and potential employees from being discriminated against because of age, race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. It's possible to file a lawsuit against any company that is known to discriminate in this manner, and that business can face heavy fines, imprisonment or bad publicity.


The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) is a federal law that protects current servicemen and women and veterans from being discriminated against in civilian jobs. This law requires employers to hire or rehire military service members in civilian jobs after their service terms have ended.

Every employer, whether there is one employee or 1,000, has to display posters that show their compliance with state and federal labor laws. The posters must appear in clear view to all workers, whether they visit the break room, work in the kitchen or walk down the hall. Hanging up these posters is required by law and recommended to keep the workers' interests in mind.