
TechTalk Blog: Only 31% of Organizations Discovered CyberBreach Through Own Resources

By David Colgren posted 02-25-2015 04:03 PM


Interesting CFO Magazine article about Cyberattacks and new research from Mandiant. The magazine article states: "In its latest annual cyber-threat report, Mandiant, an incident response service, said that as cyberattacks increase in complexity and sophistication, companies don’t always have the in-house resources to detect them. As a result, only 31% of organizations discovered they were breached through their own resources last year, compared with 33% in 2013 and 37% in 2012." Other interesting statistics are also included in this CFO article about cyberattacks against companies.

What do you think? Do you agree that less and less organizations can't discover cyber breaches through their own resources? And if you agree - why is this happening? What are some of the issues that is allowing this to be a growing trend that organizations need to confront? 

#stakeholders #CyberAttack #Cyber #Corporategovernance #Compliance



03-11-2015 03:10 PM

I don't think most firms have sufficient IT power to ensure catching most cyberbreaches. The white hats have to be better than the black ones. Does this lack of skills reflect a lack of Science Tech Engineering and Math (STEM)? Cybersecurity has to become more efficient, given the competency gap.

02-26-2015 05:10 PM

The sophistication of the attacks and the skills needed to detect them just don't lend themselves to organizations having the personnel on hand to address these threats. Pretty likely the 2012 attacks were detected by anti-virus and other detection software and the decrease is in recent years is likely just as much due to these tools not detecting the threats timely as the personnel at the organizations.
It seems that the analysis of all traffic for threats and malware will require most organizations to contract 3rd-party experts with their own software developed in-house (or through careful open-source collaboration) to perform this analysis to identify these threats in a more timely fashion.

02-26-2015 07:17 AM

I believe that cyber defenses are the new battleground for corporations, and CFOs need to understand how to protect vital information assets from attack. The time of the hybrid CFTO or CFIO is here. Technology skill is no longer a nice to have - rather, it is a must have on the finance team.