
Tech Talk Blog: Latest ACCA/IMA Economic Survey

By Christopher Mishler posted 11-17-2015 04:45 PM


Tech Talk Blog - What does this pessimism in business confidence figures mean to us accountants? 

ACCA/IMA Q3 Economic Survey:

We most of us been through downturns in both consumer and business confidence as well as ensuing revenues and profits. How should we respond to this kind of leading economic indicator in an extensive survey like that of the joint research initiative of the ACCA and the IMA? Some options include:

  1. Retrench by preemptively trimming our costs and headcounts.
  2. Seize the opportunity to increase market share through a stronger marketing effort.
  3. Get more strategic in our efforts – maybe sell underperforming units, acquire value-adding units at a lower cost.
  4. Work on sales mix to maintain margins in the face of falling revenues.
  5. Do nothing special – wait and see, but make some plans to execute.

So, what have you seen that is an effective counter to business confidence sourpusses? 

#Survey #ACCA #BusinessConfidence #IMA #ThirdQuarter
